For the holiday to happen there were many dedicated people working hard. Everyone dedicated as much time and efforts to the church as he could. The main thing – it was from the bottom of these people’s heart.

For several weeks in a row, community members gathered and cooked dumplings. A few days before the holiday, everyone worked together in the kitchen preparing a large variety of food for the guests of our festival.  Men worked very hard and in coordination with each other to set up tables and tents for the festival.  They were painting, cleaning, setting up and then removing  everything after the holiday was over.

We are thankful to all of you very much for your sacrificial work – for your helping to our mutual church! The church always remembers those who sacrifices, helps, works, sings and worships in prays. This help will surely benefit into your life!

P.S. Not all helpers were captured by the camera  –  someone because of their shyness and someone because they are difficult to be captured, but God knows everyone by his name.

