Glory to Jesus Christ. Christ is Risen!

Dear parishioners of the Holy Ascension Cathedral, as we approach the most Holiest days of our Christian faith – the Resurrection of Christ – we sincerely wish this time to be joyful for you and your families, despite the Coronavirus epidemic, which, we pray, will end soon and life will return as it was.

We would like to inform you about some activities in our parish over the last year:

At the annual meeting, held in November 2019, the Church Council was augmented with several active parishioners.

We are pleased to see a continued growth of our community. The attendance at the Sunday and holiday liturgies is increasing. Baptisms are at an all time high. Church functions are well attended and the entertainment is provided by our children, as well as the adult volunteers. New members were accepted to the parish and the Church choir has been reconstituted with new members.

Our Sunday School is very vigorous. Additionally, a class has been formed at 10:15 a.m. to engage our young in creative activity prior to attending the Liturgy, as has been the custom in prior years. In holiday seasons, the Sunday School teachers and the parents participate in our cultural events.

Your Parish continues the program of sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Since the beginning of this year, parishioners collected and sent 1,562 pounds of clothes and shoes, toys, vitamins and hygiene products, school supplies, etc., for the disabled, orphans, elderly and veterans. We continuously report the disposition of these goods on our official website.

With respect to the current pandemic that has affected the entire world, we all need to abide by the directives of our government. Distancing and non-congregating rules forced us to broadcast our Liturgical Services via the internet. ACCESS TO THE CHURCH WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. You can participate in the devotions on our website:

We encourage you to follow the latest the schedule of worship on our website or find us on the new Facebook page:


Христос Воскрес! Хай Господь благословляє вас!

Father Oleksii Holchuk, Pastor

William Kraus for the Church Council

